Zucchini Cakes

So my parents have 2 gardens in the back yard- one for my dad to grow vegetables and one for my mom to grow herbs. This summer has turned my family into zucchini eating beasts. You should see the size of the zucchinis that my dad brings in from the yard. Since we have this overdose of zucchini we have been trying to be extra creative in cooking with the suckers.

In our family, we have been using the same recipes for dinner for years and years. Occasionally a new meal is created, but not often do we find something that can be added to the Caplan supper circulation. I often go on StumbleUpon.com, where you can “stumble” all through the internet for websites based on your interests. Since it was my turn to get creative with the green plant, I stumbled around looking for recipes. I came across a website/food blog called lifeambrosia.com which happened to have a tasty looking recipe for “zucchini cakes.”

I read the recipe the blogger had, tweaked it to my liking, and created a food that since last week I have already made twice. The first time went well and I used a “normal” sized zucchini. The second time, per request of my parents, I used the largest zucchini the garden produced all summer and made a triple batch (yes, with one zucchini.)

I froze most of the cakes since there were so for many the 3 of us but I can guarantee they will be gone in a week!

                                                                Photo Credit
Zucchini Cakes recipe (makes 8):
1 Large Zucchini
3 cloves garlic
1 egg
½ cup Pecorino Romano cheese
1 cup Italian bread crumbs
1/8 tsp fresh ground nutmeg (or ¼ of the pre bought)
¼ tsp paprika
1/4 tsp salt
½ tsp fresh black pepper
1 Tbl extra light olive oil

Grate the zucchini, remove excess water (with paper towels), and place into a large bowl. Remove the skin of your garlic clove and grate it with a micro plane into the bowl. Add the cheese, bread crumbs, nutmeg, paprika, salt, and pepper. Crack your egg into a separate dish to make sure you don’t get any shells and add to the bowl. Get down and dirty and mix everything up with your hands.

Pour the oil into a large skillet and heat on medium high. Form the mixture into patties about the size of your palm (a little larger) and place them in the skillet. Cook for 4 minutes and then flip them over, cooking for 3 minutes on the other side. Place them onto a paper towel covered plate to cool down.

These can be eaten by themselves or dipped in marina!

My mom and I were also saying if we opened up a restaurant these would make great vegetarian safe meatballs!

Enjoy :)

Nutrition Facts:
Calories: 110 per cake
Total Fat: 5.3g
Cholesterol: 31.6mg
Sodium: 468.7mg
Carbohydrates: 12g
Protein: 5.5g

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